Graphic design services

Are you looking for a Web and Graphic Designer who can create a stunning website that will captivate your audience and help grow your business? Look no further!

I work primarily on an hourly basis. My rate is R350 per hour. I charge R200 per hour for drive time, when going to a project outside of Pelican Park area. Alternatively, I can propose flat fees where I feel like they are appropriate. After our initial meeting, I determine the way to bill for your project and that is detailed in your Agreement with me.

We begin with your email request about your project (email me at I will answer back with questions about your project. After I receive your response, I will book our first get-to-know-you meeting. This appointment has a cost of R450 for an approximate 1 hour visit, payable prior to the meeting with a eft, or at the meeting with a cash payment.

After our initial meeting and we all feel like we’re a good fit for each other, I will send you a Formal Quote & my t&c, where I describe the services you are requesting and detail the payments required, etc. After you sign that, and send back, we can get started. I can give you a ballpark range for the design fee for your project if we proceed on an hourly basis, after we have determined your project scope. That estimate is based on my experience with past projects. However, the big variable here is you and your unique circumstances. Since we are just getting to know each other at this point, please realize that decision making, trust, the need to see many options, etc., all affect the length of the design portion of a job, thereby affecting the fee. While I go to great lengths to get you comfortable with your design and to provide you with options if needed, time spent on continuous revisions and re-selections has to be billed. Flat fees are detailed with parameters as noted in the Agreement.

If you have a tight deadline or a drop dead date or you need me to jump on your project right now, an additional fee is assessed.

I prefer e-mail and whatsapp to phone calls, because I’m often working on designs, on job sites, or in meetings. You’ll get my personal cell # when you sign your t&c.
I’m pretty much available anytime, except Sundays please, but again, if it’s after hours, contact me via e-mail. I prefer to use texting only if it’s urgent, as it is not a good way to reference and keep record of our interactions and messages. Please note that all correspondence, including texting and email, is billed if project is done on an hourly basis. I cannot do weekend meetings, but I can do a late afternoon meeting during the week, no later than 6:00 pm with a one hour limit.

I hope this takes some of the fear of the unknown out of working with a designer. It’s here for your information so that you can be better informed when we start.
Thank you! / Yaseen – Graphic Designer

Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication, simplicity and good typography.

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We currently have a perfect 5 star rating on facebook business as well as google business. Thanks to all our clients, you are highly valued.

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