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Web Design Packages

Some of our recent designs Website Portfolio

Domain and Hosting Renewal

Domains(co.za) are renewed at R130/year. Hosting renewal is R499/year. Extra Email Account(3GB storage) at R35/month or R229/month for 5 email accounts(20GB)total storage, as long as associated domain is active on our server.

Ecommerce – We got you covered!

We empower our clients with autonomy over their ecommerce site through our comprehensive video tutorials. Equip them with the knowledge and confidence to independently manage every facet of their online store, ensuring ease, control, and success in their digital venture.

Website Extra’s

We offer on page seo for as little as R550, setting up extra products in your store for R65/product. We can include any plugin required for your website, at a nominal fee, as well as banners, explainer or promo video’s, enquire now by clicking the “how can we help” button, bottom right of this page.

WeCreativez WhatsApp Support
Our customer support team is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!
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